Monday, December 24, 2012

What U learned

          During this semester we learned a lot of new things, some things we may have learned before or we are new to it. Sociology is full of important and amazing facts we should know in life. They can be benfefical unto us later on in life.
         I don't remember everything from the top of my head but the most important thing I learned is about stratification. I never knew how us human are ranked in life. Some are poor,rich,homeless,middle class,lower class,and upper class. I thought we was all upper class or didn't have a class. We go about living not knowing what our class is. Some people even judge us about our class. You got to a certain restaurant or store, you can tell if its upper or middle class. 
       I also remembered learning about family incomes. Now I know what my family income is, my parents make about $85 thousands a year. If sociology didn't teach me about it, I wouldn't have know. I remembered medicalization and how its about healing problems and serve as an agent or social control by returning absolute jurisdiction over health care. 
    Ascribed and achieved status I definitely remember during my semester. Ascribed status is  social position assigned to a person by society w/out regard for person's unique talents or characteristics and achieved status is social position attained by a person through own efforts. I must say I learned how to complete and create a blog.
   I could go on and on about what I learned in my sociology class. I must say I learned a lot. It was amazing semester ,new things and experiences. 

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